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Saint Louis Hosta Society

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About Us
The St. Louis Hosta Society is organized exclusively as a non-profit educational society to promote knowledge of and interest in the genus hosta, to encourage the development of new and improved varieties, and to promote its cultivation and usefulness in the landscape.
Feel free to browse this site for more information about our society, the national and regional hosta societies, meeting and event times and locations, as well as hostas.

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Home: Plants

Thank you for visiting our website.
We welcome all inquiries and look forward to hearing from you.
David Birenbaum, President
Phone (314) 650-5200
Janelle Criscione, Vice-President
Phone (314) 324-4380
Lynn Teller, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, and Webmaster
Phone (314) 306-1478
Kathie Soehngen, Hospitality
Phone (314) 435-7471
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