American Hosta Society
Join the American Hosta Society and receive The Hosta Journal free. These publications offer the latest information on care, feeding, and hybridizing; photographs of new cultivars; and news of upcoming meetings and conventions.
Other membership benefits:
An opportunity to attend national meetings and conventions which offer educational and scientific presentations, garden tours, judge's clinics, and a chance to see the latest and best hosta in the cut-leaf show.
Attend regional meetings and receive regional newsletters for the area in which you live.
The privilege of visiting display gardens throughout the country, many of which are only open to AHS members.
Access to slide shows and video library programs through the national AHS.
An invitation to exhibit your favorite hostas and compete for recognition in various AHS national and regional cut-leaf shows.
AHS membership dues are as follows:
Individual $30 for one year
Individual $57 for two years
Individual $80 for three years
Individual $900 Life Membership
Family $34 for one year
Family $62 for two years
Sounds like now is a perfect time to renew or join!
Information regarding the American Hosta Society can be found on its website, www.hosta.org.
Midwest Regional Hosta Society
The mission of the Midwest Regional Hosta Society (MRHS) is to promote education, research, development, and enjoyment of America’s favorite perennial, the hosta.
Two year membership in the society is $20.00, and includes two issues per year of the society’s newsletter, Hosta Leaves. This publication reports on society events, and provides information pertaining to hostas in general.
In addition, there are two meetings held annually. The Winter Scientific Meeting is held in January, in the Chicago area, and is a one day event with an assortment of speakers that present the latest information pertaining to hostas and gardening with them. All of this is offered in an enjoyable and down-to-earth format with something for everyone interested in gardening and learning more about hostas.
An annual convention, hosted by a local society, is held each summer in different locations throughout the region. This three day extravaganza features garden tours, a show of hosta leaves, vendors selling the newest in hosta plants, an auction of plants, a banquet, and an informational speaker. Foremost, however, is the fellowship of seeing old hosta friends as well as making new ones.
The MRHS is considered Region 5 of the American Hosta Society and encompasses the nine Midwestern states of Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Information regarding the Midwest Regional Hosta Society can be found on its website. www.midwesthostasociety.org
We hope you will find this information helpful and consider joining the AHS and the MRHS.